Therapeutic Spa Services

Himalayan Salt Mineral Polish
A full-body massaging Himalayan salt treatment that helps to soften skin while replenishing the body with vital trace nutrients.
Anyone suffering from dull skin, physical fatigue and lethargy, and/or simply needing an electrolyte boost will benefit from this sensory stimulating treatment.
Ayurvedic Lift
An aromatic and rejuvenating upper body (décolleté, shoulders, neck, face, scalp, arms & hands) massage treatment for increased hydration, nutrient absorption, and skin revitalization. Cranial massage increases energetic flow to the scalp and hair follicles, promoting a relaxed mind and healthy hair growth.
Ideal massage for anyone suffering poor circulation of the scalp, headaches, sinus discomfort, and upper-body tension.

Thai Reflexology Leg & Foot Massage
Acupressure massage applied to the legs and feet to revitalize the soul and soles. Massage includes a Therapeutic Foot Bath, followed by a stimulating Himalayan salt treatment to relieve muscle aches in legs and foot fatigue.
Ideal for anyone who stands or sits for prolonged periods, suffers from restless leg syndrome, and/or just likes a good foot rub.
Therapeutic Foot Bath w/ Hemi-Sync®
Enjoy Hemi-Sync®'s meditative sound frequencies while soaking your feet in a luxurious blend of Natural Sea Salt, Dead Sea Salt, Epson Salt and Pure Therapeutic Grade Organic Essential Oils (does not include massage).
A perfect add-on to any massage or float. May also be scheduled as a stand-a-lone service.