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Jax-Zen is a certified Coherence Hotspot


Change happens when we connect.

  • Connect with your heart for living a healthier and more fulfilling life

  • Connect with like-minded people to create a coherent social environment.


Learn science-based tools and techniques to intentionally shift your emotional state to align body, mind and emotions, through the power and intelligence of the heart.

What? Coherence - the optimal state in which your heart, mind and emotions are aligned and working in sync.

Why? Coherence increases your energy levels and builds your resilience, allowing you to unleash your highest potential.

How? Through the HeartMath breathing techniques, you can manage stress and emotions in real time, creating this coherent state on demand. This coherent state will not only positively influence you, but also the lives of others around you.

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Free on-line events -- Registration Required.

April 22 - The HeartMath Experience Part I (It's Heart Time, Heart Intelligence) - WATCH REPLAY

April 29 - The HeartMath Experience Part II (Science of the Heart, Quick Coherence) - WATCH REPLAY

May 6 - The HeartMath Experience Part III (The Emotional World, Attitude Breathing) - WATCH REPLAY

May 13 - The HeartMath Experience Part IV (Access more Intuition, Social Coherence) - WATCH REPLAY

May 20 - The HeartMath Experience Part V (Global Coherence, The Inner Balance Experience)*****

June 17 - Practicing Inner Ease 

July 29 -  Attributes of Heart Intelligence 

August 26 - Accessing Heart Intuition

September 23 - Heart Leadership

October 21 - Heart-Based Living


1) Download the Free Global Coherence App (optional)

The Global Coherence App shows how many coherence points our group is contributing to the world and energetic field. It also includes an inspiring and interactive world map that shows the locations of others who are using the app at the same time.

App Store:

Google Play:


2) Join the Jax-Zen Coherence Hotspot Private Group

(access code will be provided during our Coherence Hotspot Events)

The Inner Balance™ Trainer is an assistive technology that can deepen your practice of HeartMath Tools. It consists of an app that you can use on your smartphone or tablet and a sensor that connects to your earlobe. It measures your heart rhythms and then scores them for the degree of coherence

Please note:  HeartMath tools are not dependent on this technology. They work on their own. The Inner Balance Trainer provides an engaging way to see what is happening in your body as you practice. It can give you extra motivation as you learn how to increase your coherence.

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Welcome to the Global Coherence Hotspot Network*

The mission of the global Coherence Hotspot project is to “Create a global coherent field environment, by offering people knowledge, tools and training to activate the power of collective heart coherence.”


The Global Coherence Initiative (GCI) is a Heartmath® science-based, co-creative project to unite people in heart-focused care and intention to facilitate the shift in global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and enduring peace. GCI is one of many care and compassion initiatives worldwide. Each year, as the need for change grows, more groups and online communities are forming to send out compassion and care around our planet, in this case a Coherence Hotspot.


By attending you will be learning how a community can increase love, care and compassion for all peoples of the world with science-based tools. This practice with benefit you by aligning your body, emotions, mind and spirit through the power of the heart, and will enhance your meditations, prayers, healing intentions and affirmations.

*This global platform is endorsed by the HeartMath® Institute.

Global Coherece Hotspot Network
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