Reiki Client Information Page
Before having a Reiki session, be sure you understand what it is and what it is not. This page will answer some questions before we meet for your session, please review thoroughly before your first session.
Please contact us if you need more clarification or information.

What is Reiki?
Reiki (ray’-kee) is a time-honored, Japanese method of stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing.
Reiki involves vibrational energy entrainment. Entrainment is a scientific principle that explains the way things vibrate in unison in the natural and quantum state, and is the basis of understanding how Reiki works. A basic definition of entrainment is the tendency for two oscillating bodies to lock into phase so that they vibrate in harmony. Reiki works on this scientific principle, and therefore requires no "belief" system about healing. The human body is a living organism that has electro-magnetic fields that operate its "living" components. (Think of an EEG or IKG.). These are energetic, vibrational fields and can be measured.
In today's world, stress is the number one issue causing, aggravating and increasing the severity of health concerns. Stress causes disturbances in our physical and emotional bodies, especially if stress occurs for long periods of time. Stress triggers the release of chemical and reactions that can cause the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems to be out of balance. Reiki practitioners are trained in the practice of achieving a stress-free state, which then can be entrained to the client, allowing the client's body to regain its own natural healing state.
Reiki energy allows the body to regain its own natural ability to heal. Reiki is not a quick fix or cure for any issue or ailment. It is not a substitute for professional care you may already be receiving. Reiki does not treat conditions or ailments; Reiki treats the person.
Helpful tips for your Reiki session:
Do not eat a large meal before your session. Digestion takes a lot of energy and stresses the system.
Dress comfortably.
Drink water before and after session. Water assists the electrical impulses in the body.
Read and research Reiki. Bring any questions to your session.
Reiki FAQs
What type of training does a Reiki Practitioner need?
Professional Reiki Practitioners must complete a series of courses, beginning with Reiki Level 1 and Reiki Level 2 and then onto the Advanced Reiki Master Courses and practicum. Each of our Reiki practitioners upholds the highest standards of care and professionalism as a Certified Reiki Professional Practitioner and abides by the IARP Code of Ethics. A copy is posted in each treatment room and is available upon request for review.
What will I feel during the session?
Most clients feel a sense of relaxation and peace. The mind may feel calm and your physical body should feel relaxed. Reiki is so relaxing that sometimes clients may fall asleep during the session. Don’t worry though, you will still receive all of the benefits of the session, sleeping or awake.
Will I be lying down on a massage table or sitting?
Reiki is usually performed on a client who is fully reclined comfortably on a massage table. If you have mobility or pain issues please communicate these to your Practitioner so they may make you most comfortable for the session.
Am I clothed during my Reiki session?
Yes. Unlike a massage therapy session, you will be fully clothed. Unless, of course, your Reiki Practitioner is also a licensed Massage Therapist and you are receiving both massage and Reiki, then you would speak with your practitioner about your preference. But for a Reiki session only, you will want to wear loose fitting comfortable clothing.
Will the Reiki Practitioner’s hands touch me in any way?
Reiki is not a massage. There will be no manipulation, stretching, rubbing etc. of any muscles or tissues. Reiki may be done with a light gentle pressure static touch or the Practitioner’s hands may be a few inches/centimeters above your body at the hand positions with no actual touch. There are standard hand placements beginning at your head or feet, avoiding all sensitive body parts. Let your Practitioner know prior to the session which you prefer, light touch or no touch.
Is one session enough or will I need a series of sessions?
One session is a great start! You will see for yourself how Reiki makes you feel, if it is relaxing, if you feel more clarity after the session. Many people, after trying one session, go on to purchase a series of sessions to progressively work on their current wellness goals.
Is Reiki for an acute condition or a chronic condition?
If you have an acute condition you should seek out a licensed medical professional immediately. If you have a chronic or current issue, Reiki can be an excellent complement in your health or wellness plan.
Is there talking during the session?
Usually a session is done without talking and the practitioner may have soft ambient music playing in the background to aid in your relaxation. If you want to communicate something to your practitioner during the session, such as if you are cold or too warm, if you would like them to adjust the music, if you are feeling a sensation you would like to discuss, if something feels uncomfortable for you, if you have a question or issue, then do speak up at any time during the session. Your practitioner wants the best for you and wants to make your session the best experience possible. Also, your practitioner may ask you after the session if there is anything you would like to share and you may do so at your option. This is good feedback for your practitioner’s notes for planning your next session.
Is Reiki a Religion?
Reiki is not a religion, although most Reiki practitioners are very spiritual. Just as in other professions, there are Reiki practitioners of every religion throughout the world. However, it does not matter whether one believes in God, a Creator, or any deity or has any spiritual practice in order to receive, give or benefit from Reiki. Reiki works on plants and animals, who have no belief system.
How is Reiki used in the medical world?
Numerous hospitals and informed medical professionals around the world advocate the use of Reiki as well as other alternative modalities (such as meditation, floatation therapy, acupuncture, yoga tai chi, etc.) to reduce stress and accelerate healing.
Can I learn Reiki?
While we enjoy sharing Reiki sessions with our clients, we also feel strongly that people can and should be able to do this for themselves. Anyone can learn to do Reiki for her/himself and for others. We urge you to consider learning this ancient technique for self-healing and family health. If you'd like to know about upcoming Reiki Certification Classes, please click here for more information.
What's the difference between a traditional Reiki session and an Energy Clearing/Chakra Balancing session?
During either session, the practitioner is attuned to sense the areas of the client that are holding energy or that is blocked and work to normalize the flow of that area. During an Energy Clearing/Chakra Balancing session, a combination of Reiki, crystal, light and sound therapies may be used in clearing the aura of blocks, repairing auric imbalances, balancing the chakras, and working on areas of the physical self that are in need. A traditional Reiki session does not include crystals and other modalities during the session.